Powder Blender
The Powder Blender machine is a storage installed on load cells so that it is possible to weigh the material inside. It consists of two or more inlets for the various types of powders that can always be blended.
Inside the machine, centrally, there is a screw, which pulls the material and then makes it fall back inside, thus creating a continuous mixing. The goal is to homogenize the powders placed inside to create a uniform mixture. In the square flange, placed on top of the Powder Blender machine, there is an attachment where the filter is placed, there is also a vibrator that helps to lower the material flows. At the Blender’s bottom there is a valve that opens and closes allowing the compound to be discharged into the external auger which carries it to the point of use.
To complete the Blender, are available accessories of high quality and international availability, such as valves, filters, augers, sensors and any means necessary to satisfy our customer. Moreover, the customer can choose the color he prefers.
- The Powder Blender is available in two distinct versions due to capacity:
first version → 1.5 m ³
second version → 3 m ³
- Height: 2.5m
- Diameter: 1.5m
- Extractor screw ø193x4000
This is an ex works price. Shipping charges are excluded from the moment the products leave the factory.